Sunday, November 3, 2019

Theory Aspects of Website Development Assignment

Theory Aspects of Website Development - Assignment Example It is a large scale search engine that employs heavy use of hypertext structure. Its design allows it to crawl and index the web efficiently thence producing satisfying search results. Google search is based on the PigeonRank which is a technology based on collection of flocks of pigeons in dense clusters and in that, it is able to process search queries faster other traditional search engines. Yahoo search is another conventional search engine that has gone through several evolutionary stages to where it is to date. Owned by Yahoo Inc, it indexes the common HTML page formats as well as several other page file-formats. It uses a web-based crawler search engine having customized capabilities of all search engine companies it has acquired to become a powerful search engine tool. Interactivity of web pages: Web pages are documents that can be accessed through web browsers. The information in a web page can take several formats that include HTML, XHTML, DHTML (Dynamic HTML), XML, etc, and these may provide linked navigation to other web pages using hypertext links. The retrieval of web pages may be done either locally or remotely where web servers process user requests using a TCP/IP protocol. When web pages are created, they include both static content and some other which may be within the web server’s file system or dynamically constructed by the server side software. A web site administrator can make a web site interactive using various methods. The use of hypertext links has been the conventional way of achieving this task but there have also emerged other powerful methods that take inclusion of XML and DHTM (Dynamic HTML). XML is highly interactive and it promotes internal web pages linkages rather than internal links.

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